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Nursing Education at The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) promotes and facilitates a culture of life-long learning in the pursuit of excellence in professional nursing practice.

Nurse One

The culture of life-long learning is promoted through a commitment to the following education initiatives.


  • Upon hire, new employees attend a one-day Human Resources global introduction to TOH.
  • Orientation continues with a core six-day introduction of senior staff, professional practice support, and common corporate clinical programs, after which the nurse receives unit-specific clinical instruction based on identified competencies.
  • Each unit has an assigned nurse educator responsible for unit orientation and continuous learning opportunities.

Continuing Education – Multiple Day Programs

  • Registration Deadline: 1 week prior to the course date

Education Days

These education days provide nurses with the knowledge and skills to support high-quality evidence-based care. The content in the days includes current topics in both professional development and clinical specialties. Experts present the latest advances and emerging therapies in a variety of clinical specialties including Gerontology, Mental Health, Nephrology, Pain Management, Diabetes, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Skin Care Workshops and Trauma. Professional Development topics include Nursing Research and Preceptorship/Mentorship.

Attendance qualifies as part of your College of Nurses Learning Plan.

TOH Nursing Education Days are open to all health-care professionals in the region.

Please register online here: Nursing Education Day Registration

Program: Education Days not being offered until the Fall of 2019.
Fees – Internal TOH Nursing Staff: No Charge
Fees – External $60 per day. Please mail printable form with payment at least 1 week prior the Education Day. OTN Videoconferencing is available for some of the Education Days offered. $300.00 Flat rate fee per site for video conferencing.

Financial Assistance for Continuing Education

Professional leave of up to 15 hours annually may be granted to full and regular part-time staff; casual employees are considered on an individual basis.

Conferences, workshops, seminars: Applications to attend these events are reviewed monthly and must be received before the conference. Priority is given to those persons presenting at a conference. The monetary guidelines are to a maximum of:

  • $250.00 within a 500-kilometer radius of Ottawa
  • $500.00 beyond a 500-kilometer radius
  • $750.00 for international conferences

Clinical Certification funding is approved prior to writing the spring examinations and on passing; 50% of the Canadian Nurses Association fee will be reimbursed for both certification and recertification.

Bursaries are awarded to nurses for post-RN Baccalaureate or Masters Degree on a review of a detailed application form.

Tuition payback for university and community college courses leading to a degree or certificate is awarded three times a year at the end of fall, spring and summer semesters on proof of successful completion of the course. Fee structure: Maximum $250.00 per course for B.Sc.N. or $600.00 for M.Sc.N.

Contact:, 613-737-8899, ext. 78760

Last updated on: January 24th, 2019