Tests and Procedures
Nuclear Medicine offers a wide variety of procedures. Each procedure has its own unique preparation instructions. Please consult the appropriate patient information pamphlet before your appointment.
- Adrenal Medulla MIBG Scan
- Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Scan
- Bone Marrow Scan
- Bone Scan
- Brain Scan
- Breast Lymphangiogram Study
- C-14 Urea Breath Test
- Cardiac Amyloidosis Scan
- Cardiac Perfusion Scan (Day 1)
- Cardiac Perfusion Scan (Day 2)
- CSF Leak Study
- CSF Study (Radionuclide Cisternogram)
- DaTscan Study
- Esophageal Transit/Aspiration study
- Gallium scan
- Gastric Emptying Study (Liquid)
- Gastric Emptying Study (Solid)
- Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GI Bleed) Study
- Heat Damaged RBC Spleen Study
- Hepatic Hemangioma Study
- Hepatobiliary study (HIDA)
- Lacrimal Duct Scan (Dacryoscintigraphy)
- Liver/Spleen Scan
- Lung (Ventilation/Perfusion or V/Q) Scan
- Lymphangiogram Scan
- Meckel’s Diverticulum Scan
- Melanoma Lymphoscintigraphy Study
- MUGA: Gated Cardiac Scan
- Octreotide Scan
- Parathyroid Scan
- FDG PET/CT scan
- Quantitative Lung Scan
- Radioactive Iodine Ablative Therapy for Thyroid Cancer
- Radioactive Iodine (RAI) Treatment for Hyperthyroidism
- Renal Captopril Scan
- Renal Cortical Scan
- Renal GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) Study
- Renal Scan
- Right to Left Shunt Study
- Salivary Gland Scan
- SeHCAT Scan
- Shunt Patency Study
- Thyroid Scan and Uptake Study
- Vulvar Cancer Lymphoscintigraphy Study
- White Blood Cell Imaging (WBC scan)
- Whole–Body Iodine Scan
- Xofigo Radium-223 Therapy
If you cannot make you appointment, it is important that you notify the department at 613-761-4831 as soon as possible. Failure to make your appointment results in wasting of expensive materials that are ordered especially for your appointment and also reduces availability to other patients. Missed appointments may also result in delays of your treatments.
Last updated on: April 28th, 2022