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Shared Mental Health Care – Community Based

Please note: The Shared Care Team only accepts referrals from primary care providers that belong to one of The Ottawa Hospital Family Health Teams (FHT), Civic or Riverside FTT’s, or one of the Bruyere Continuing Care FHT’s, Bruyere or Primrose FHT’s.

Brief Description/Purpose

The Shared Mental Health Care Team is a community-based team whose goal is to provide high quality and timely specialized mental health support to the patients connected with any one of the Family Health Teams outlined above. This multidisciplinary care team provides mental health consultations, assessments and direct patient supports, such as therapy, and for complex patients where the primary care provider is looking for more specialized input. Close collaboration and timely communication with the patient’s primary care team ensure the patient receives the mental health support and treatment needed from within their primary care setting. Services may include diagnostic clarification, treatment recommendations, individual therapy or counselling, group therapy, education and advice about psychiatric medications and information and help to access community resources. The Shared Mental Health Care Team strives to provide quick access to mental health resources and support so does not provide long-term psychiatric follow up or counseling. If longer term support is needed, team members work closely with the patient to find alternative support.

How to obtain Referral/Access service

Referrals to the Shared Care Team are generated by a patients’ family doctor or nurse practitioner; however, we also accept referrals from Allied Health staff who work with the patient at the Family Health Team.

Program Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
  • Age of at least 16 years
  • A patient of any of the Family Health Teams
  • Have an Ontario health card

Contact Information

The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus,
1053 Carling Ave,
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9

Phone: 613-798-5555 ext. 19112

Office Hours: Monday through Friday from 9:00am-5:00pm

Additional Links

Last updated on: December 3rd, 2021