Seventy staff members of The Ottawa Hospital were nominated by their peers for Compass Awards this year, illustrating once again that those who go above and beyond can leave a significant impact on the hospital.
“All of the nominations received attested to magnificent displays of empathy, heart, compassion and excellence,” said Dr. Jack Kitts, The Ottawa Hospital President and CEO, as he and Renée Légaré, Executive Vice-President of Human Resources, announced the 14 winners in seven categories.
The following comments, sent in by the nominators, reveal what makes each recipient uniquely important to The Ottawa Hospital.
Carole Lycan, Administrative Assistant, Stroke Prevention Clinic (Clerical category)
Carole is 100 percent behind the patients and gives them her heart on a daily basis. She gives the patients confidence, respect, dignity and reassurance, and goes far beyond her job description to care for them to the extent of her abilities.
Rachel Roy-Courchesne, ACC Clerk, Viral Hepatitis Program (Clerical category)
Rachel is always thinking about the needs of others. She changed departments at The Ottawa Hospital so a single mother wouldn’t lose her job, finds ways to locate marginalized patients without phones, and donates personal items to charity.
Carole Leblanc, Professional Practice Leader, Respiratory Therapy (Clinical Support category)
Carole is in great part responsible for the consistently positive work ethic and harmony in Respiratory Therapy. Her cheery, dedicated attitude and innovative leadership have also pioneered a way for patients to manage their disease in their homes.

Marcel Morin, Orderly, 4North Mental Health (Clinical Support category)
Marcel never hesitates to bring up a need for quality improvement and recommendations on how to improve the system. He is a vigilant, safe presence on the night staff, allowing the patients and employees to feel safe.

Melanie Bennett, RN, Queensway Carleton Hospital Satellite Dialysis Unit (Direct Patient Care Providers category)
Good is just not good enough for Melanie – she strives for the best for our patients. This attitude extends to and impacts the staff in the unit to strive for the same.

Connie Schulz, Enterostomal Therapy RN, Wound and Ostomy Team (Direct Patient Care Providers category)
Connie approaches difficult situations delicately and with a great sense of humour. She is respectful and cheerful, and has a fantastic bedside manner, allowing every patient to feel that his or her concerns are understood and manageable.

Ann Hogan, Director, Information Services (Management category)
Ann is humble about her impact on the organization, but has been significantly involved in some huge implementations in Information Services at The Ottawa Hospital. She delivers her services in a “paying it forward” manner and encourages open communication and collaboration.

Sean Gehring, Manager, The Ottawa Hospital Pain Clinic and Specialty Services Care Stream (Management category)
Sean is enthusiastic about any initiative that improves the patient and colleague experience. As difficult as his days can sometimes be, he never forgets The Ottawa Hospital’s values. His transparency, humour and fairness are the keys to his success in dealing with people.

Andrée Kaspardlov, Redeployment Coordinator, Human Resources (Non-clinical Professionals category)
Andrée is positive during challenging times, non-judgmental in her approach to people and very smart, all qualities that quickly gain respect from those she meets. Andrée puts a human face on Human Resources!

Brenda Borracci, Payroll Advisor, Finance (Non-clinical Professionals category)
Brenda isn’t afraid of hard work and never takes short cuts. She is enthusiastic about contributing whatever she can to any situation, and is a rock of integrity who can, without a doubt, always be counted on.

Andrew Fitches, Pre-press Technician, Printing Services (Support Services category)
Andrew brings life into the Printing department with his innovative ideas and his compassion. He always takes the time to make sure everyone around him is doing well, and has an amazing ability to gather, inspire and unite people to one cause.

Dorcas Griffith, Housekeeper, Housekeeping Services (Support Services category)
Dorcas never judges individuals but embraces their differences and treats them with the utmost respect. She sings to patients, provides little hand-written notes of encouragement to the staff, and changes the lives of so many around her.

Stefan Mayer, Volunteer, Volunteer Resources (Volunteer category)
Stefan starts his shift early in the morning to make sure the patients with early appointments have a friendly face to greet them. He puts his heart and soul into everything he does at The Ottawa Hospital.

Jeff Metz, Volunteer Team Lead, Volunteer Resources (Volunteer category)
Jeff’s eager attitude and his ability to learn and master ever-greater responsibilities with excellence have allowed our department to run smoothly. Without Jeff, we could not offer the excellent quality of services to our volunteers, staff or patients.
Physician Clinician Recognition Awards
Dr. Pierre Bourque, Staff Physician, Neurology
Dr. Bourque is the physician the other physicians go to for his thoughtful and extremely helpful opinions. He calls patients, even on Sundays. He has always been dedicated to teaching, and his fascination with continually learning about and diagnosing rare conditions is legendary.

Dr. Ronald Gerridzen, Staff Physician, Urology
Dr. Gerridzen is one of the “go-to people” for urology. He has achieved a huge range of accomplishments in his fields of expertise, and has advanced the Division of Urology’s profile to the national and international stage.

Dr. Loree Boyle, Staff Physician, General Internal Medicine
Dr. Boyle goes the extra mile every day to make sure her patients receive the best medical care and has distinguished herself as one of our most-trusted physicians and top teachers. She fosters all the traits we’d want if our loved one fell ill.
Physician Leadership Award
Dr. Andrée Gruslin, Staff Physician, Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Everyone on Dr. Gruslin’s team feels of equal importance, and the environment of collaboration she creates helps everyone perform at their best with joy and enthusiasm. She displays exemplary integrity in all her leadership roles.
Physician Team Player Award
Dr. Babak Rashidi, Resident, General Internal Medicine
Peers and supervisors commend Dr. Rashidi’s collegial nature and excellent team work. He’s a strong advocate for resident well-being, has led important educational changes for all residents and goes above and beyond in his work, such as taking extra calls for fellow residents who need time off.

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