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A Day in the Life of…a nurse’s iPad

A Day in the Life of…a nurse’s iPad

Freshly charged, I start my day at 8 a.m. in the Home Dialysis Unit conference room with morning report. RN Susan Leslie opens my note-taking app so she can read the notes from her “on call” weekend and give report.

After the morning rounds I get packed up into Susan’s handbag and she carries me to the Home Dialysis car. Once the car is all warmed up and ready to go, Susan takes me out of her bag and launches my MapQuest app to help find the directions to her home-visit location in Cornwall. (Sometimes she still gets lost!)

At the home visit Susan notices that the patient has some drainage from his exit site. With his consent, Susan uses my camera to take a picture of the exit site and emails it to the nephrologist. Susan’s email receives an almost instant response. I chirp like a bird to get her attention. It tells her to swab the exit site and lets her know that a prescription will be faxed to the patient’s pharmacy.

Susan and I head back to Ottawa but first she checks her messages and finds out that her partner has a question: Did she send some supplies for one of her patients? Susan quickly messages back (of course she sent them!) and we are soon on our way back to Ottawa.

After a long day being poked and prodded, I need to be recharged and so does Susan. She plugs me in and goes home to rejuvenate.

Susan Leslie’s iPad


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