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Your health, simplified.

Finding information about your health shouldn’t be complicated. Healthy Tomorrows is a collection of health stories, insights and tips from experts at The Ottawa Hospital to help you and your family live healthier lives.

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Ashley Hilliard and Mike McDonald
Miscarriage and pregnancy loss: Ashley’s story

Chances are you know someone who has had a miscarriage or pregnancy loss. It affects thousands of families in Canada each year. Learn the signs, symptoms and causes of miscarriage, and read Ashley’s story to know that you are not alone.

Breast Health Centre Reception
A new era in breast health at The Ottawa Hospital

The Breast Health Centre at The Ottawa Hospital is committed to providing an exceptional level of care for our patients, approaching each case with medical excellence, practice, and compassion. Read more «

Dr. Singh is pointing the tumour on the 3D print screen
3D-printed model helps complex surgery to remove 50 tumours

Maureen suffered from fibroids in her uterus and was told by five doctors that she needed a hysterectomy. However, with the help of a 3D-printed model of Maureen’s uterus, Dr. Sony Singh removed all 50 tumours and left her uterus intact, allowing her to carry a baby if she decides to.

The breast cancer patient Tanya O’Brien is happily smiling.
New Rose Ages Breast Health Centre a game changer

Six years ago, Tanya O’Brien’s worst fear became a reality. “Hearing that you have cancer is like watching yourself in a bad movie…. Everything suddenly becomes a question. Is it everywhere? Will I die? What will happen to my family?” But the new Breast Health Centre offers hope.

Kidney specialist helps at-risk women through pregnancies

He is the “go-to” doctor in the Ottawa area for treating pregnant women with kidney disease. And patients like Dawn Lau are grateful to Dr. Ayub Akbari for his supportive, attentive, responsive care that even includes handing out his personal phone number in case patients need to reach him.

Living with endometriosis: Why painful periods are not normal

Endometriosis is an often-misunderstood disorder that can cause women unbearable pain during their periods. Dr. Sony Singh and his team want to raise awareness among women, help health-care teams identify the disorder sooner, and improve patient outcomes.

This website gives you common facts, advice and tips. Some of it may not apply to you. Please talk to your doctor, nurse or other health-care team member to see if this information will work for you. They can also answer your questions and concerns.