Patient Experience Surveying
At The Ottawa Hospital, we strive for continuous improvement, and are committed to providing exceptional, patient-centered and compassionate care. A critical piece in fulfilling our mission and vision is understanding a patient’s experience when they receive care from us. This is why we invite patients to complete patient surveys and evaluate the results. Many different patient experience surveys are in use across the hospital.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who receives these surveys? How will I receive it?
We send out four standardized Ontario Hospital Association-approved surveys to patients of specific areas of the hospital, including Day Surgery, Outpatient Rehabilitation, Acute Adult Inpatient and the Emergency Department. Some departments in the hospital also have their own surveys which they send to patients. Patients who visit the hospital and provide their email address at registration may receive an experience survey via email. The email will come from the hospital’s new electronic patient survey platform, Qualtrics.
How are my responses used? Who has access to these responses?
The information we gather from experience surveys give us insight into your experience and perspective on the quality of care you receive at The Ottawa Hospital. Our Patient Experience Committee and clinical programs use it to inform and improve patient care, delivery of services and patient outcomes across the hospital.
It is important to note that these surveys are confidential. Your private patient health information will not be shared.
How often does The Ottawa Hospital send out these surveys?
The hospital sends out patient experience surveys every day. Surveys are typically sent to patients by email, one to two days after they receive care.
Who can I contact if I want to talk to someone about the care I received at The Ottawa Hospital?
If you would like to speak to someone about your care, please contact The Ottawa Hospital Patient Relations Department.
Last updated on: July 6th, 2023