February 25, 2015 – The Ottawa Hospital will be locking most external doors at night at both the General and Civic campuses to improve the safety of patients, visitors and staff.
Starting Monday, March 2, between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m., only the Main and Emergency entrances will be open. If you have an appointment, or need to visit the hospital during this time, please use these entrances.
Staff entrances will be equipped with card readers and will be accessible at all hours with your ID badge.
At the Civic Campus:
- The Main Entrance faces the parking garage. The Paterson Entrance, which is across the lobby from the Main Entrance facing Carling Ave, will also remain open at night.
- The Emergency Department Entrance faces Carling Ave.
- Please note that the Carling Entrance, facing Carling Ave., and the East Entrance, facing Melrose Ave., will not be publically accessible at night.
At the General Campus:
- The Main Entrance faces Smyth Road.
- The Emergency Department Entrance faces Smyth Road, at the top of the ramp.
- Please note that the entrances to the Critical Care Wing and the Cancer Centre will not be publically accessible at night.