Hospital Educational Programs
Donor Coordinators at each campus will provide standardized required educational sessions to the following personnel (but not limited to):
- All new nursing staff, as part of their hospital orientation;
- All Intensive Care Unit residents and nursing staff;
- All Emergency Department resident and nursing staff;
- All operating room staff, on an annual basis;
- Specific units or staff as requested or deemed necessary;
- Other hospital employees, during National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week (NOTDAW);
Outreach Educational Programs
The staff of The Ottawa Hospital Organ and Tissue Donation Program will develop and deliver a standardized educational program to community hospitals. All community hospitals within the Ottawa-Carleton Region will be offered the services of a specific donor coordinator, to serve in a liaison, education and resource role thereby facilitating continuity. Hospital size and linguistic designation will be taken into consideration when determining the assignment.
Standardized educational sessions will be made available to health-care professional university and college programs.
Community Awareness Campaigns
The Ottawa Hospital Organ and Tissue Donation Program will collaborate with community organizations,
special interest groups, professional associations, TGLN, governments, schools, and media to promote
and assist in the development of community awareness campaigns for NOTDAW and throughout the year.
Providing Expert Representation on Regional/Provincial/National Committees
Representatives will be determined and provided by The Ottawa Hospital Organ and Tissue Donation Program as requested to participate on pertinent committees.
Last updated on: December 5th, 2016