Outreach Program
Regional Trauma Network (RTN)
The Regional Trauma Network (RTN) for the Champlain LHIN is a collaborative network that is currently being developed through the involvement of The Ottawa Hospital, the Lead Trauma Hospital for the LHIN, Critical Care Services Ontario and key stake holders in the region who have a vested interest in trauma care. The goal of this group is to implement system improvements through shared accountability amongst regional hospitals. This network is being developed using a “hub and spoke” model. With The Ottawa Hospital serving as the “hub” and regional hospitals within our catchment areas acting as “spokes” with the focus being on the active engagement of clinicians, administrators, EMS, Ornge and other trauma service representatives.
The inaugural meeting was held on April 30, 2014 at the Ottawa Hospital with all areas and sectors involved with trauma in the Champlain LHIN being represented. Activities of the RTN are currently in development but will include – but are not limited to – communication of best practices, expanding quality improvement and education initiatives, examination of transportation and referral practices in addition to addressing regional challenges as they arise. The goals of the RTN will support an effective, sustainable, and inclusive Ontario-wide regional trauma system (RTS) of care and we look forward to its continued development as we strive to improve the care trauma patients receive across the trauma care continuum in our region.
Education for Outlying Hospitals
RTTDC – Rural Trauma Team Development Course
The Rural Trauma Team Development Course (RTTDC) has been specifically designed for referring hospitals in our region. This course was developed by the American College of Physicians and Surgeons Committee on Trauma due to the recognition that trauma patients in rural settings have unique needs due to the isolated locations and circumstances by which many people sustain their injuries in rural settings. It is also recognized that resources, both personnel and physical, may be different in referring hospitals and as such the approach to trauma resuscitation needs to be tailored to the unique needs of each referring hospital. As a result the RTTDC is designed to train referring hospital personnel in their own environment to adopt a team approach to the initial assessment and resuscitation of the injured patient and to rapidly initiate transfer to definitive care when appropriate based.
This course is offered in a single day modular format at the referring hospital. The course consists of a review of the ATLS trauma resuscitation approach as well as hands on team based simulation scenarios. The goal of the RTTDC is to improve care of the rural trauma patient by, establishing a trauma team using the personnel and resources actually available at the referring hospital, developing a team approach to trauma resuscitation, stabilization and prompt transfer, and identifying key factors in organizing and preparing resuscitation area and equipment.
The course audience is defined by the referring hospital and may include, but is not limited to: physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, pre-hospital providers, ED, radiology, respiratory and laboratory technologists, and administrative personnel. Ideally, whoever would be involved in a trauma at your hospital should be offered the opportunity to attend.
For more information on the RTTDC please visit:
If you would like to discuss the course content or the opportunity to offer this course at your hospital please contact the trauma coordinator at or 613-798-5555 ext. 19601 for more details.
Last updated on: May 31st, 2021