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Locomotor Care Stream


The Locomotor Care Stream at TOHRC assesses, treats and educates patients who have physical impairments or injuries. The purpose of the Locomotor Care Stream is to help patients adapt and live independently. All patients are seen by a Rehabilitation Physician (Physiatrist) who will determine their eligibility for the program. Taking into account your goals, the team will devise a program tailored to meet your needs. Patients have access to a dedicated interdisciplinary team of health-care professionals, who work to create the best possible treatment program for each client’s needs.

Our Services

The Locomotor Care Stream provides interdisciplinary care to in- and outpatients with musculoskeletal conditions. These patients have:

  • Had an amputation
  • Had multiple trauma from an accident or extensive burns
  • Had a long stay in hospital or the Intensive Care Unit because of their condition
  • Generalized weakness or poor endurance post surgery or illness
  • A treatment goal to reduce or eliminate their pain and improve their quality of life
  • Non-neurological diseases and need treatment for joint problems or mobility issues

The Locomotor Care Stream also cares for inpatients and outpatients with pulmonary diseases.

Have breathing disorders like emphysema, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, asthma

  • Have pulmonary fibrosis, farmer’s lung, asbestosis or other restrictive lung disorders
  • Are scheduled for or have recently had surgeries like lung transplant or lung-volume reduction
  • Have adult cystic fibrosis

Chronic Pain Management ProgramLinks to the Chronic Pain Management Program page
The Chronic Pain Management Program is an outpatient program that brings patients together in a group setting to address their pain issues. Patients in the program benefit from our dedicated interdisciplinary team of health-care professionals who can help them with chronic pain that is not cured by appropriate medical treatment, like fibromyalgia, chronic back or neck pain and certain types of nerve pain.

The goal of this program is not to cure the pain; we offer education to patients on how to improve their physical and emotional function. Patients learn skills and techniques to better cope with their pain, and to minimize the amount of disruption experienced in their day-to-day lives because of pain. If you are interested in this program, please ask a member of your circle of care.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation program helps patients with chronic lung disease increase their ability to live independently and overcome the physical limitations caused by their disease. If you are interested in this program, please ask a member of your circle of care.

Locomotor Integration Rehabilitation Program (LIR)
Some patients admitted to the Locomotor Care Stream may be eligible for our Locomotor Integration Rehabilitation Program (LIR).  These patients spend the day in hospital to receive nursing care and attend therapy, but spend the night in their own home. If you are interested in this program, please ask a member of your circle of care.

Our Team

Our dedicated team is comprised of professionals from:

  • Clinical nutrition
  • Medicine
  • Nursing
  • Occupational therapy
  • Pharmacy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychology
  • Respiratory therapy
  • Social work
  • Therapeutic recreation
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Speech-language pathology

Making an Appointment

Patients must be referred to the Locomotor Care Stream by their doctor. Eligible patients may also be scheduled to see a physiatrist, respirologist or another health-care provider to assess their health and set goals. They may be referred to different clinical areas within the centre as needed. Patients are put on a waiting list, and enter the program when they are medically ready and able to benefit from rehabilitation.

Contact Us

The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre
505 Smyth Rd. Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M2
Tel.: 613-737-7350 ext. 75508
Fax: 613-733-8336

Last updated on: September 27th, 2021