Acquired Brain Injury Program (ABI) Care Stream
The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre’s (TOHRC) Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Service provides a range of patient-focused initiatives from the acute care stage to community rehabilitation. Delivering goal-oriented therapeutic assessment and intervention that addresses cognitive, behavioural, psychosocial and physical needs, the goal of the program is to maximize function for those with a brain injury. The program further aims to:
- Provide flexible, focused care through a well-organized team;
- Ensure the best results for patients; and
- Meet patients’ needs by best directing our resources.
Our Services
The ABI Service offers care in the following areas:
- Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Inpatient Services
- Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) Outpatient Services (Outpatient Clinic and Day Hospital)
- Acquired Brain Injury Behavioural Rehabilitation Service (BRS)
- Robin Easey Centre (REC) Life Skills Program: Residential and Outreach
- Brain Aneurysm Recovery Guide
Contact Us
For further information, please contact:
Admissions Triage Nurse for ABI and BRS Inpatient Program
Acquired Brain Injury Care Stream
The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre
505 Smyth Rd., Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M2
Phone: (613) 737-7350 ext. 75685
Fax: (613) 733-8336
Admissions Coordinator for REC and BRS Outreach Program
Acquired Brain Injury Care Stream
The Robin Easey Centre
125 Scrivens St., Ottawa, ON, K2B 6H3
Phone: (613) 726-1558 ext. 31
Fax: (613) 726-1764
Please direct inquiries for consultation with a physiatrist to:
Nurse Clinician for the ABI Outpatient Clinic
Acquired Brain Injury Care Stream
The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre
505 Smyth Rd., Ottawa, ON, K1H 8M2
Phone: (613) 737-7350 ext. 75406
Fax: (613) 733-8336
Last updated on: May 30th, 2024