Sleep Centre
Philips Respironics issued a voluntary recall notification in the USA for many of their positive airway pressure (PAP) devices and ventilators on June 14, 2021. Health Canada is aware of the voluntary recall of certain Philips Respironics Continuous and Non-Continuous Ventilators, including Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), BILEVEL and Continuous Ventilator devices. Please find more information about the
voluntary recall.
Our Sleep Disorders Labs are dedicated to diagnosing and treating patients with sleep-related disorders. These conditions include difficulties falling asleep and / or staying asleep at night, or difficulty in staying awake during the day. Sleep apnea – momentary cessation of breathing while sleeping – is one of the most common disorders. It can interrupt sleep hundreds of times a night. Some sleep disorders are potentially fatal.
Symptoms of potential sleep disorders include:
- Constant drowsiness
- Irritability
- Loud or irregular snoring
- Difficulty breathing during sleep
- Morning headache, sore throat or mouth dryness
- Loss of energy
Services at the Civic Campus Sleep Disorders Laboratories are provided by professionals experienced in sleep-related disorders and sleep-exacerbating diseases.
Our laboratories have combined 15 private rooms, one for each person being tested. We provide a single bed with all the linen. The rooms are quiet, darkened and air-conditioned. We also have washrooms and a shower.
When the patient arrives they are shown where they will sleep and asked to change into their sleepwear. Then they will have physiological sensors connected to their bodies by the technologist assigned to them. These are all non-painful and comfortable enough so that it will be possible to sleep.
We use scalp electrodes, facial electrodes, chest electrodes, leg electrodes and a nasal airflow sensor. The polysomnography technologist applying the electrodes will be happy to answer any questions the patient may have. When the connections are complete, the patient is asked to lie down in their bed. At this time we check to see that all the sensors are working properly by having the patient perform some movements such as blinking, moving of legs, taking a deep breath, etc. Patients are permitted to sleep as they would at home, i.e. rolling over, personal pillows, bathroom breaks etc.
A technologist is ALWAYS present and able to provide assistance at any time (i.e. washroom). The overnight test lasts approximately 7 hours. Note: the technologist may, on occasion, enter the room to make some technical adjustments but we try to interfere as little as possible. We would like patients to enjoy uninterrupted sleep as much as possible.
The study is interpreted following the overnight sleep session first by a technologist then by the physician.
What to do (or not do) before coming for a sleep study
- Please eat a normal meal before 7 p.m.
- DO NOT HAVE ANY CAFFEINE (coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate) after 12:00 p.m. noon on the day of the test
- On the day of your test, please do not drink any alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, liquor, coolers, “hard lemonade”, etc.)
- We strongly suggest you refrain from napping on the day of your test. If you have a tendency to feeling sleepy when you drive, please have someone else drop you off and pick you up the next morning.
Men: If you normally shave, please shave in the evening before you come to the lab. This will help us obtain better recordings. Patients with beards are not expected to shave. Wash your hair.
Women: Wash your hair and abstain from using hair spray. Wash your face but do not use face cream or moisturizers. Wear little or no make-up.
What to bring when coming for a sleep study
- Appropriate sleepwear, something you feel comfortable in. Do not buy sleepwear for the occasion. Even sweat suits are suitable.
- You are also encouraged to bring your own pillow if it helps you sleep.
- Personal toiletries, (toothbrush, comb, shampoo, etc.)
- Any medication normally taken
Canadian Sleep Society Information Brochures
Making an Appointment
Physician Referral Needed.
Notes for Referring Physicians
- If you would like to refer a patient, please complete Sleep Centre Requisition include all pertinent information, and fax to 613-761-5211.
- 7 nights a week
Contact Us
Civic Campus: (15 beds) : F1 (F195)
Tel: 613-761-4636
Fax: 613-761-5211
Return to all clinics and services
Last updated on: January 16th, 2023