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Policy statement:

This policy is intended to provide members of the public with the process for public participation at Public Board of Governors Meetings for The Ottawa Hospital (‘the Hospital’).

This policy is to ensure that the Board Chair and Board Secretary have the opportunity to plan for and notify all Board members of those who wish to address the Board and ensure that members of the general public requesting the opportunity to address the Board are appropriately acknowledged on the Board agenda and are aware of the process.


Public Board Meeting: a meeting of the Board of Governors that is open to the general public, including the media and Hospital staff.


  • Members of the public wishing to bring matters to the attention of the Board of Governors will be required to submit their request in writing to the Office of the Chair at least 14 days prior to the Public Meeting of the Board of Governors.
  • The written request shall include a brief written description of the specific matter to be addressed, the group they are representing and include any written material the person will want to distribute to the Board.
  • The Chair of the Board will consider requests in order of receipt and a decision will be provided at least three business days prior to the Board meeting.
  • Oral presentations must be limited to five minutes. If the presentation is based on the submission of a group, one person must be identified as the spokesperson.
  • Presentations are usually heard at the beginning of a meeting.
  • The Board will receive presentations but is not obligated to respond or take action.
  • Except where the Chair permits, a person or group may only address the Board on a particular subject once during any 12-month period.
  • Members of the public may also address the Board by providing a letter addressed to the Chair of the Board. While the Board may consider matters raised in such correspondence, it is not obligated to respond to it.
  • In some cases, the Chair may determine that it is more appropriate for a person or group to address their comments to a specific Standing Committee or other body. In these situations, arrangements for presentations will be facilitated by the Office of the Board of Governors.

Contact information

Office of the Board of Governors
The Ottawa Hospital,
Civic Campus Box 100,
1053 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1Y 4E9

Tel: 613.761.4867

Last updated on: November 8th, 2016