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Who is Caring For You

While at the hospital, you will meet a number of medical and nursing staff, students and other members of the health-care team, such as:


Medical Staff

Attending Physician
Fully responsible for your medical care and treatment during your stay, your attending physician who initiated your admission to the hospital, also collaborates with team members who assist in your treatment.


Residents and Fellows
The Ottawa Hospital is a teaching hospital. Residents and Fellows are medical doctors taking specialized training in a particular field. They may visit you every day, plan your treatment and meet with your attending physician to discuss your care and treatment.


Medical students
Medical students are completing medical school and may visit you to gain clinical experience by learning to take medical histories and conducting physical examinations. Their involvement in your care is directly supervised by the attending physician.


Nursing Staff

Clinical Manager
A Clinical Manager is responsible for the patient care provided on a particular nursing unit.


The nursing staff is responsible for the provision of care during your stay. Staff involved in your care may include Registered Nurses (RN) and Registered Practical Nurses (RPN). A student nurse may also care for you under the direction of a Registered Nurse.


Private Duty Nurse
Should you wish to have a private duty nurse, please consult your physician and inform the Clinical Manager of the unit. You and your family will be responsible for making the arrangements to obtain these services and for paying the agency.


Allied Health Professionals

While you are in the hospital, your doctor may refer you to various allied health professionals. These include pharmacists, respiratory therapists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists and recreation therapists, physiotherapists, speech language pathologists, audiologists, dietitians and others. If you have any questions about the treatment or test being given, please ask the professional providing your care or your doctor to explain the reason for the procedure and what will take place.


Support Staff

Support staff may include Patient Care Assistants (PCA), orderlies, Administrative Control Clerks (ACC) and ward clerks.


Social Workers

Social workers collaborate with your physicians, nurses and other health-care staff to help you and your family adjust to your illness. They also assist in the detailed planning for your discharge from the hospital. Increasingly, patients need assistance to coordinate their move from hospital to community-based care. Patients may need emotional support, assistance with care for other family members, physiotherapy, nursing and homemaking arrangements, or help with financial concerns. Social workers can assist with these issues.


Spiritual Care

Hospital Chaplains provide spiritual care for patients, their families and staff. They offer spiritual counselling, emotional support and resources for addressing ethical and religious concerns. Spiritual care is a source of strength and healing when facing difficult situations.

Each campus has a chapel that is open for times of prayer and meditation. A schedule of worship and religious services is also available. If you or your family wish to speak to the chaplain, your nurse will provide assistance.


Palliative Care

Palliative Care support is available to patients who have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. The Palliative Care team consists of physicians, nurses, social workers and other health-care professionals. Together, they provide physical, emotional and spiritual support for palliative patients and their families.


Volunteer Services

During your stay at The Ottawa Hospital, you will often meet our wonderful volunteers. They assist at the bedside, but also through various revenue-generating enterprises. All profits are used to finance research and subsidize programs or projects at The Ottawa Hospital. We are indebted to these caring women, men and teens who work tirelessly to make your stay a little brighter.

Last updated on: November 16th, 2016