OTTAWA – The Ottawa Hospital (TOH) has taken additional measures to address the COVID-19 pandemic and alleviate hospital capacity by opening the new TOH Clinical Assessment Centre. This is in collaboration with family physicians and Ottawa health care organizations with funding from Ontario Health.
The Centre will provide care for patients with a known or suspected COVID-19 infection who:
- Are experiencing respiratory illness, in which the symptoms cannot be safely managed at home, AND
- Cannot access their family physician, but do not require emergency services.
It is intended to help manage the pressures and demands on hospital inpatient and outpatient units, family physician offices and medical clinics, while providing all Ottawa residents with the high quality COVID care they need.
The clinic is located near the Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus and is currently open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday for booked appointments.
The site is operated by TOH staff and physicians, who will work in conjunction with family physicians and provide support by offering basic diagnostic tests, such as chest x-ray, ECGs and basic bloodwork, as well as referrals to IV therapy and antivirals.
To book an appointment at the TOH Clinical Assessment Centre, please call 613-798-5555 ext. 19507.
We ask that you please do not bring well children or other healthy members of the community (e.g. friends, neighbours, drivers into the Clinic.
We continue to operate the COVID-19 Assessment Centre at Brewer Park for people who require and are eligible for PCR COVID-19 testing.
Media Inquiries:
Rebecca Abelson