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The table shows the number of living donor transplants that have been done in Canada, Ontario and Ottawa between 2002-2009. It shows how the numbers of living donor transplants have increased over the years.

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
Canada 399 400 416 440 487 483 478 N/A
Ontario 161 162 174 201 222 207 220 231
Ottawa 15 22 23 35 40 38 39 40


The table below shows the patient and kidney survival of people who got transplants between 2000-2006. UNOS is the United Network of Organ Sharing, the regulatory body for organ procurement in the United States.







Recipient Survival

97.7 %

88.5 %

97.9 %

90.2 %

Kidney Survival

93.6 %

80.1 %

95.1 %

79.7 %

  • UNOS data accessed from UNOS website ( on June 22, 2007
  • Ottawa data includes primary and repeat transplants together
  • Graft survival includes patients who died with a functioning graft (n=32) as well as those who failed and returned to dialysis
  • Includes data on all 395 patients transplanted from January 2000 until December 2006. Last      date of follow-up was June 22, 2007
  • Status of all patients verified on June 22, 2007 by Dr. Knoll

Last updated on: July 28th, 2017