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Here are some community resources on mental health, addictions, and crisis support that you might find helpful:

  • eMental Health – eMentalHealth provides online anonymous, confidential information about mental health services and resources for Canadians.
  • Anxiety Disorders Association Of Ontario –The Anxiety Disorders Association of Ontario (ADAO) focuses on the experiences and perspectives of people who experience anxiety.
  • Lifestyle Enrichment for Senior Adults (LESA) – This is a substance abuse and problem-gambling counselling service for seniors that is offered across the City of Ottawa.
  • Mental Health Crisis Line  – This crisis line provides a toll-free phone access that runs 24/7, in both English and French. They provide screening, assessment, referrals, support in a crisis, suicide intervention, and a transfer to the Local Crisis Team or to emergency services when advisable.

    Within Ottawa: 613-722-6914
    Outside Ottawa: 1-866-996-0991
    Quebec: 819-595-9999 or 1-866-277-3553

  • Child, Youth and Family Crisis Line for Eastern Ontario – This crisis line provides support services to parents and youth who feel overwhelmed or who are in crisis.

    Within Ottawa: 613-260-2360
    Toll free: 1-877-377-7775

  • Mood Gym


Last updated on: December 5th, 2016