Epilepsy information including epilepsy surgery
- Epilepsy Ottawa is one of the four main pillars of the Ottawa Epilepsy Program and includes its community program. Its website has a number of useful resources, including videos, information pamphlets, and spark sheets on diagnosis, treatment of seizures and epilepsy. It also has a listing of local resources and programs.
- Epilepsy Ontario and Drug Shortages Canada each has a list of current anti-seizure drug shortages. Please consult the links below to see how this could affect you
- The Canadian League Against Epilepsy has a good amount of information in the “About Epilepsy” drop-down menu.
- Epilepsy Ontario has many articles and patient info sheets written by epilepsy experts in Toronto, London and other parts of North America. Visit their dynamic YouTube channel for very useful videos on how seizures can manifest.
- org has information on staying safe while living alone with epilepsy.
Seizure first aid
- Booklet from Epilepsy Ottawa
- Fact sheet from Epilepsy Foundation
Women with epilepsy
- Women living with epilepsy: Epilepsy Foundation
- Women and epilepsy: Epilepsy Ontario
- The North American Antiepileptic Drug Pregnancy Registry
- Maternal Outcomes and Neurodevelopmental Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (MONEAD)
Epilepsy and healthy living
- Living with Epilepsy: Epilepsy Foundation
Sudden Unexpected Death in EPilepsy (SUDEP)
- SUDEP contains useful information about this condition.
Non-epileptic seizures
- Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES)
- Non-epileptic attacks
- Psychogenic Non-epileptic Seizures: A Guide by Lorna Myers, PhD.
- dis-sociated: an online feature documentary on dissociative seizures
Epilepsy research at The Ottawa Hospital
The Ottawa Hospital is a leading academic health, research and learning hospital. Its clinicians are engaged in a number of research studies on multiple research topics including medical education, critical care electroencephalography, outcomes in the care of women with epilepsy, and transition of pediatric patients to the adult hospital, to name but a few.
Please visit the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) for more information on current epilepsy research being done in our hospital.
Last updated on: November 5th, 2023