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Attached to this webpage is a driving evaluation referral form that needs to be completed by a physician in order to be seen. Thank you.

What is the Driving Rehabilitation Service?

Since 1973, The Driving Rehabilitation Service has been providing driving evaluations to clients whose illness or disability may affect their ability to drive. The driver rehabilitation specialist assesses the clients’ abilities to operate a motorized vehicle and determines if the clients have the potential to improve from driver training. The Driving Rehabilitation Service also assists clients with adaptive driving equipment and altered driving techniques. The service is approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and La Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec.

Who is eligible for the Driving Rehabilitation Service?

  • Clients whose physical and/or cognitive impairments may interfere with the safe operation of a vehicle

How do clients enter the Driving Rehabilitation Service?

  • Clients must obtain a referral to The Driver Rehabilitation Service from their physiatrist or a physician who has referring privileges.
  • Clients must submit the results of a recent eye examination, which must show that their vision meets all necessary provincial requirements.
  • Clients must also pay a fee (OHIP does not cover the cost of a driving evaluation). Fees begin at $500, but vary depending on the assessment required.

Who conducts the driving assessment?

Clients are assessed by an occupational therapist who has specialized in driver rehabilitation. The occupational therapist is certified by the Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialists (ADED), and is a member of the following associations:

  • ADED
  • National Mobility Equipment Dealers Association (NMEDA)
  • Standing committees with Transportation Development Centre, Transport Canada
  • Canadian Standards Association (CSA)

What does the driving evaluation include?

The driving evaluation consists of two parts:

  • The pre-driving evaluation takes place in the Occupational Therapy Department and takes approximately two hours to complete. The client’s physical and cognitive abilities are evaluated, as well as their knowledge of the rules of the road. A driving simulator is used as a part of the pre-driving evaluation.
  • The in-car evaluation is completed by an occupational therapist who has specialized in driver rehabilitation in collaboration with a licensed driving instructor. The in-car evaluation is done in a vehicle equipped with a dual brake and any necessary adaptive driving equipment. It takes approximately one hour to complete.

The results of the evaluation and all recommendations regarding the client’s ability to drive are discussed with the client before being forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario or La Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec, who will make the final decision regarding the status of the client’s license.

Occupational Therapy Department
The Rehabilitation Centre
505 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON
K1H 8M2
613-737-7350 ext. 75359

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Last updated on: January 23rd, 2017