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Although there are many definitions of cancer survivorship, many who work in cancer programs consider it to be the recovery phase, or after treatment is complete.  It is at this stage that you may be interested in understanding how to best manage your health. You may be wondering what to expect going forward and may be worried about the recurrence of cancer. These considerations are important in developing a “new normal” as you begin to return to a normal routine and lifestyle.

The Ottawa Hospital Cancer Centre can support you as you transition to survivorship. Please refer to the Our services section or read about specific resources below:


The Maplesoft Cancer Survivorship Centre: Located in Ottawa, Maplesoft provides various programs and services to support and empower you along your cancer journey. There is no cost and no referral required.

Rehab Services:
Survivorship Care Plans: A survivorship care plan is the record of your cancer history and recommendations for follow-up care.
The LIVESTRONG Care Plan is a tool to help you work with your oncologist and primary healthcare provider to address the medical and psychosocial challenges that may arise after your treatment.

Wellness Beyond Cancer Program

The Wellness Beyond Cancer Program (WBCP) is a cancer survivorship program currently available to breast, colorectal and endometrial cancer patients. Once you have finished your active cancer treatment, a multidisciplinary healthcare team ensures that you receive the education and resources you need to help regain a new sense of normal and deal with any side effects related to your treatment.

Our Services

Needs Assessment: At the time of your referral, you will be asked to complete a needs assessment.  This will help to identify any outstanding difficulties and side-effects you may be experiencing related to treatment. If these difficulties are reported as being moderate to extreme, they will be identified on a WBCP care plan and the information will be shared with the WBCP team members and your primary care provider.

Resources and Information: At the time of referral, you will receive the WBCP overview booklet and a WBCP follow-up education booklet. Further resources will also be provided to help address your individual needs. For additional information, please see the patient education portal

Group Education Class: You will be invited to attend a disease-specific cancer education class. For additional information, please see the patient education portal.

Your Survivorship Care Plan: A “care plan” or “treatment summary” is an individualized report that outlines your diagnosis and the treatments you have received, as well as follow-up tests and recommendations. Three copies of the wellness care plan are prepared for you,  your primary care provider, and your cancer centre chart. The care plan helps you to be an active participant in your follow-up care.

Discharge Appointment: You will meet one-on-one with a nurse prior to discharge to review your wellness care plan and address any questions or concerns. Primary care providers have access to the Wellness Beyond Cancer Program team for any questions or to expedite a rapid re-entry referral if required.

When and how are you referred to the program?

Your oncologist, together with you and your family, determines when it is appropriate for you to start transitioning back to the care of your primary care provider. Depending on the stage of your cancer at diagnosis and the extent of side effects from treatment, you  may continue to be followed at the cancer centre by a nurse practitioner until ready for complete discharge. Shared care with your primary care provider will continue during this time to ensure your other health needs are met.

Contact us at: (613) 737-7700 x70256 between the hours of 8-4 Monday through Friday.

Primary Care Provider Comments:

  1. “This is an excellent program for the cancer patients who are in remission or perhaps cured as it gives them the positive feeling that they are re-gaining control of their life, that they have won an important fight with the disease.  At the same time, their rigorous follow-up with well-planned testing and assessments gives them the reassurance the system have not abandoned them.  As well, being followed up by their family physician’s office with less severely ill patients in the waiting room and a familiar environment has a favourable impact”.
  2. “The WBCP has provided me with very helpful guidelines and all the necessary care that a family physician should provide for the patients with cancer”.
  3. “Wonderful program, thank you”!
  4. . “Congratulations for this initiative–great work and very helpful”!

Patient Comments:

  1. “Thank you for this very informative session and program. It is so very reassuring to know you are all there”!
  2. “I feel more confident now about my future. Thanks very much”!
  3. “It is so helpful to learn about healthy lifestyle and how to decrease the risk of recurrence. Also, to talk about depression, fatigue, and how care is coordinated after cancer treatment, including what surveillance tests are recommended. Thank you!

Last updated on: March 4th, 2022