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The Geriatric Day Hospital provides comprehensive multidisciplinary assessment for patients who are experiencing a change in function, memory, mood, or have complex medical issues. Short-term treatment, counselling, and education are available to patients and their caregivers to facilitate community support and long-term care planning.

Professional services include:

A physician specializing in geriatric medicine provides an assessment of the medical, emotional, social or memory changes and directs the treatment plan in consultation with the patient, caregiver(s), and family physician.

Registered Nurse (R.N.)
The R. N. acts as the case manager to coordinate the plan of care. They are also the primary contact to the patient and his or her caregiver throughout the assessment process.

Ward Clerk
The ward clerk is responsible for booking all appointments, and greeting patients and caregivers upon arrival to the unit.

Assesses mobility and balance, provides education, pain management and mobility aids as required. Sets up a home exercise program as indicated.

Occupational Therapist
Assesses skills related to aspects of the patient’s daily routine including memory skills, self-care, and home management activities. Assists the patient to achieve and maintain his or her greatest level of independence.

Social Worker
Assesses and provides brief counseling, education, and support to the patient and his or her caregiver(s) to enhance the quality of life of the family unit. Explores relocation options with the patient and family.

Assesses current intake and provides education and recommendations to maintain or improve nutritional status.

Speech and Language Pathologist
Assesses speech, language, memory and swallowing disorders. Provides counselling and recommendations for communication.

Assesses medication regime and skills related to medication use. Provides education. Collaborates with the physician and retail pharmacist to optimize drug use.

Consultation Services
Includes Geriatric Psychiatrist, Neurologist and Neuropsychologist.

Resource Centre on Aging
Provides information on all aspects of aging to the elderly and those who care for them.

Home Care Case Manager
Acts as a liaison with the Home Care Program in the community and the Geriatric Assessment Unit.

The First Visit

The patient’s first visit is often 3- 4 hours in length as it includes a thorough medical and nursing assessment. The appointment begins at 9:00 a.m.

It is important that an involved family member, caregiver, or friend accompany the patient to the first visit to help with the process of assessment.

It is our expectation that patients and caregivers work in collaboration with the nurse and physician to establish goals for assessment.

It is required that the patient bring all of his or her medication to the first visit.

Coffee and a light lunch will be provided to the patient at no cost.

Our Services

The Outreach Team are committed to working with the family physician and community services agencies.  The family physician must be contacted before a referral will be accepted by the Outreach Team.

The patient will be seen initially in his or her own home by the Geriatric Outreach Assessor and an appointment at the Geriatric Unit Day Hospital Program will be arranged if necessary.

The East and West Geriatric Assessment Outreach Teams are community components of the Regional Geriatric Assessment Program operating in the Ottawa Region. The outreach teams provide a comprehensive in-home assessment in order to identify appropriate services and support for seniors with complex health problems. The teams work with clients, their physicians, and caregivers as well as other health care providers to optimize seniors’ independence and quality of life.

The Outreach Teams operate out of two different sites. They can be reached by calling:

  • West Team (west of Bronson Avenue)
    Queensway-Carleton Hospital
    Telephone:  613-721-0041
  • East Team (east of Bronson Avenue)
    Bruyère Continuing Care Telephone: 613-562-6362

For more information about the Geriatric Outreach Teams, click here: Regional Geriatric Program of Eastern Ontario

Making an Appointment

Referrals for patient assessment can be made by:

  • Prospective clients
  • Health care workers
  • Family members
  • Family Physicians

Mon. – Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Contact Us

Civic Campus: Main Building, 1st Floor, A1


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Last updated on: December 9th, 2016