Cystic Fibrosis
Welcome to the Ottawa Hospital Adult Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common fatal genetic disease affecting Canadians. There is no cure.
The most significantly affected organs are the respiratory and digestive systems. The lungs in a person affected with cystic fibrosis produce large amounts of sticky thick secretions. The result of this is recurrent lung infections requiring antibiotics and on occasion admission to hospital.
In order to minimize illness and hospitalization and improve their quality of life, patients with cystic fibrosis must undertake a strict regimen of home therapy. This includes chest physiotherapy two times a day, as well as taking inhaled and oral antibiotics. The time allotted for this treatment can be up to 2 hours per day.
Due to insufficiency of the pancreas inherent in cystic fibrosis patients, they require vigilant attention to their nutritional status. This includes consuming approximately twice the usual calories that an unaffected person of the same age requires, and taking enzyme supplements essential in the digestion of food and nutrients in addition to taking supplemental vitamins.
It is estimated that one in every 3,600 children born in Canada has cystic fibrosis. Almost 4,000 Canadian children, adolescents, and adults with cystic fibrosis attend specialized CF clinics.
For more information please visit the Cystic Fibrosis Canada website; .
Our Services:
Our clinic serves adult individuals with cystic fibrosis from the Eastern Ontario region as well as West Quebec. We provide comprehensive multidisciplinary care at one of our weekly Wednesday afternoon clinics, as well as outpatient follow up provided by the nurse coordinator and allied health team. We provide referrals to specialists involved in cystic fibrosis care such as gastroenterology, ENT, and liver specialists. There is a specialized cystic fibrosis related diabetes clinic at regular intervals.
Our Team:
Our team consists of 4 cystic fibrosis physicians, a nurse coordinator, a respiratory therapist, social worker, dietitian and physiotherapist. Patients are seen regularly in clinic by all team members.
The Director of the CF program is Dr Shawn Aaron
The Cystic Fibrosis Nurse coordinator is Ena Gaudet RN
Making an Appointment:
Please fax referrals to 613-739-6807
Contact Us:
Cystic fibrosis office:
Box 211
501 Smyth Road,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 8L6
Phone number 613-737-8899 ext. 71594, fax: 613-737-8537
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Last updated on: December 9th, 2016