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Laboratory tests, such as blood tests, are essential to your health. They are an important way for your physician to screen for disease, diagnose, treat and monitor your medical condition.

Laboratory staff will explain all procedures to you. Please ask your physician if you have any questions regarding the laboratory tests. All of our phlebotomy staff are trained and certified. We use the latest techniques and guidelines to ensure specimen integrity and to protect the safety of our staff and patients. Your laboratory results are strictly confidential and will be sent to your physician or clinic as soon as they are ready.

We receive provincial funding to perform laboratory tests on inpatients and outpatients who visit a physician’s office or registered clinic onsite at one of the three Ottawa Hospital campuses (Civic, General, Riverside), or the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

Note: Patients whose physician or clinic is not affiliated with The Ottawa Hospital or the Heart Institute should have their tests done at one of the laboratories in the community.

Making an Appointment

Remember to bring the requisition for tests signed by your doctor and your health card (OHIP) for identification. If you do not have a current valid OHIP card, bring a piece of identification that has your photo, such as a driver’s license.

Appointments: You don’t need an appointment except for some very rare tests, and these will be booked by your physician’s office.

Civic Campus: Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
General Campus: Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Riverside Campus: Monday to Friday, 7:15 a.m. to 5 p.m.
University of Ottawa Heart Institute – Civic Campus: Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. *For Heart Institute Outpatients ONLY

Contact Us

Civic Campus:
Civic Parkdale Clinic
737 Parkdale Ave.- Main Floor

General Campus
501 Smyth Rd.
Main Building – Module J10 – 2nd Floor

Take the elevator to the 2nd Floor, turn left and continue straight to the reception room for Module J10

Riverside Campus
1967 Riverside Dr.
Main Floor
To the right of the elevators (follow the signs)

University of Ottawa Heart Institute – Civic Campus
For Heart Institute Outpatients ONLY
40 Ruskin Street

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Last updated on: November 1st, 2022