Back to Top Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) - The Ottawa Hospital Website scanner for suspicious and malicious URLs


Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium or germ which commonly lives in the nose and on the skin. Most people who carry the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria do not have an infection. Sometimes people develop infections with this bacterium and require treatment. Infection in the blood is called bacteremia.

When common antibiotics are not able to destroy Staphylococcus aureus, the bacterium is called “resistant”, or MRSA. MRSA stand for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Infections caused by MRSA are not more serious than infections caused by the regular Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. However, only a few antibiotics will treat MRSA infections.

Please click on the link below for more information about MRSA

MRSA Rates

The Ottawa Hospital monitors the amount of blood stream infections with MRSA that patients get while in the hospital. We report these numbers to the Ministry of Health and Long-term Care every 3 months.

MRSA Bacteremia Nosocomial Cases

MRSA Bacteremia Nosocomial Cases
  Civic Campus General Campus The Rehabilitation Centre
Quarterly Nosoc. Cases *Pt Days Incidence per 1000  Pt days Nosoc. Cases *Pt Days Incidence per 1000  Pt days Nosoc. Cases *Pt Days Incidence per 1000  Pt days
Fiscal Year 2022-2023
Q1 – Apr to Jun <5 52,102 0.02 0 51,352 0.00 0 4,841 0.00
Q2 – Jul to Sep <5 52,481 0.02 0 51,935 0.00 0 5,150 0.00
Q3 – Oct to Dec 0 54,653 0.00 <5 52,770 0.02 0 5,549 0.00
Q4 – Jan to Mar <5 57,599 0.02 <5 53,682 0.04 0 5,614 0.00
Fiscal Year 2023-2024
Q1 – Apr to Jun 0 58,395 0.00 0 55,795 0.00 0 5,934 0.00
Q2 – Jul to Sep <5 59,006 0.03 <5 57,080 0.02 0 5,731 0.00
Q3 – Oct to Dec <5 60,327 0.05 <5 57,468 0.07 0 5,641 0.00
Q4 – Jan to Mar 7 51,865 0.02 0 58,887 0.00 0 6,014 0.00
Fiscal Year 2024-2025
Q1 – Apr to Jun <5 61,212 0.05 <5 59,003 0.05 0 5,941 0.00
Q2 – Jul to Sep                  
Q3 – Oct to Dec                  
Q4 – Jan to Mar                  

Last updated on: July 19th, 2024