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Rehabilitation Centre’s Respiratory Rehabilitation Service is designed to help persons with chronic lung disease increase their ability to live independently in the community and overcome the physical limitations resulting from their disease.

Our Services

Our services fall into two categories:

Respiratory Rehabilitation for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases
Respiratory Rehabilitation consists of Endurance Training, Education and Disease Symptom and Disability Management. These are over-lapping activities which together contribute to improved quality of life, reduced disability, increased independence and reduced respiratory-related hospitalizations.

In response to patient-identified goals the team develops an individualized program to be carried out in both group and one to one settings.

Respiratory Rehabilitation for Neuromuscular Diseases
The long-term goal for patients with neuromuscular diseases and spinal cord injuries is to increase lung volume and lung/rib cage suppleness, improve cough efficiency and prevent infections. This is achieved by introducing lung volume recruitment with a modified resuscitation bag, the Cough Assist machine or mouth piece ventilation with a home mechanical ventilator.

Patients requiring breathing support at night or 24 hours per day are introduced to various breathing apparatuses primarily non-invasively. A skilled respiratory therapist will assess the appropriateness of various interfaces and modes of ventilation to prevent the need for a tracheostomy.

Our Team

Our Respiratory Rehabilitation Team utilizes an interdisciplinary approach that is client and family centred. The Team includes:

  • Respirologist
  • Nursing
  • Respiratory Therapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Pharmacist
  • Psychologist
  • Clinical Dietitian
  • Social Worker

Other health-care specialists are available as required.

The Rehabilitation Team works in a collaborative fashion to assist patients in attaining and maintaining their identified goals.

Making an Appointment

A family physician or specialist must refer the patient. Once we receive a referral or consultation letter from the physician, the patient can expect the following:

  • A telephone call by our clinic nurse to arrange an initial consultation appointment at The Rehabilitation Centre;
  • The first visit will include an assessment by the Respirologist followed by pulmonary function testing (breathing tests). This assessment will determine whether the person can benefit from rehabilitation;
  • The person will then be booked for a screening stress test using a stationary exercise bike;
  • Respiratory rehabilitation candidates participate in an Interdisciplinary Assessment process. The Service Nurse Clinician initiates the assessment by collecting information relevant to the person’s health, physical abilities and present level of functioning. The purpose of this comprehensive assessment is to work with the patient to identify rehabilitation goals;
  • Based on these assessments the person will be enrolled into the respiratory rehabilitation program, Outpatient or Inpatient, best suited to your needs.

Contact Us

Main office telephone number: 613-737-7350 ext. 75318
FAX number: 613-736-9054
The Ottawa Hospital Rehabilitation Centre

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Last updated on: March 9th, 2021